Put The 'Om’ In Aroma
Put the ‘OM’ in Aroma by treating yourself to an aromatherapeutic eucalyptus shower. One bunch of eucalyptus in the shower can transform your mood to both calm and center the mind.
Our recently completed spa shower is the perfect setting for a soothing eucalyptus shower that maximizes the relaxation of the senses. The bathroom is not only a necessary room but also one that should evoke a sense of calm and serenity. You spend a lot of time in this space, so it should reflect a feeling you love.
Today we would like to highlight this Master Bathroom's Spa Shower System which includes a 12" Kohler Rain Shower Head, Body Spray Systems and a Hand Sprayer. You can enjoy a luxurious shower that simulates the soaking deluge of a warm summer downpour. This contemporary-style rainhead is sleek and stylish and goes well with several of Kohler's collections. The Water Tile body sprays lie virtually flush to the wall and can be placed almost anywhere. This round 54-nozzle configuration delivers a relaxing spray for a soothing hydrotherapy experience. Are body sprays worth it? Absolutely! Killer massage? Yes. Eliminate cellulite? That's what the experts say.
It's time to treat yourself with self-care products and finishes that will boost your mood and quality of life. There is no better investment than 'me time'. You spend a lot of time in this space, so it should reflect a feeling you love.
Spa Rain Shower Head
Water Tile Body Sprays